
Suicidality/Self-Harm Support

Suicidal or Self-Harming behaviors are unfortunately encountered often in our clients here at FRG.  Our therapists have the calm and wisdom to handle these situations without adding their own fear to the dynamic.  We don’t necessarily jump immediately and thoughtlessly to a hospitalization, as sometimes hospitalizing can add to one’s list of traumas, but we also must consider safety.

We’ll always assess to consider risk level, to determine how imminent the harm possibility is.  A historical context will matter here for each client.  Then, we understand the function that the self-harm impulses have for that person:  Does it help them escape when feeling trapped?  Does it help them to find an outward and physical expression of internal pain? Does it give a sense of light or hope to them, for example?  This understanding becomes very important to helping a person find alternative choices, to start to find self-love rather than self-harm.

Finally, we find the body states that lead to such dark places.  Bringing our Sensorimotor Psychotherapy or Somatic Experiencing tools to transform these narrow, closed moments can be transformative.  Imagine realizing that there are actions or images one can do in moments of wanting to self-harm that move them towards hope?  This is the kind of empowerment and self-care we want for our clients

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