Eating Disorders/Eating Challenges Support
At Family Resilience Group, we believe that a healthy relationship with food is essential for balance. With an embedded Registered Dietician here who works with both the therapy and medical teams, we treat a spectrum of eating challenges from dangerous disorders to lifelong eating struggles. People suffering from disordered eating, chronic dieting, restricting, purging and body image struggles come to FRG to find a home and work towards a more permanent solution. Blending our expertise in therapeutic change and nutrition works to create a non-diet approach to health and wellness.
We hope to catch our clients early, before their eating has become life threatening. But also realize that this is not always possible. In more dangerous situations, we pair with outside ED programs to help clients stabilize. We bring support to stabilize their digestive system and neurology, such as Heart math, yoga or touch support methods. Our RD can bring in structure on food choices as needed for stability, then loosen the structure to support their bodies to learn better choices and they recover.
Once the dangerous phase has passed, our Registered Dietitian then draws on the Intuitive Eating model. Clients will be encouraged to honor their hunger, respect their body, and choose foods that make them feel good. We also work with parents to find healthy eating for their family members.
Learn more about one of our favorite models: Intuitive Eating
“I know I am a better person because of the work done together in your office. I am a more centered, self-assured person who is more confident in her decision making, safer in her skin, happier with what life has shown me so far.” ~Anonymous Satisfaction Survey Participant
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